
Supplies & More

Although oilfield equipment is essential, having the tools to operate beyond them are essential. Office supplies, Safety equipment and everything else.

Industry Solutions

Duis efficitur porttitor aliquam. Vivamus tristique, velit et efficitur aliquam, augue elit pellentesque lorem, dapibus vestibulum urna nisi ut odio. Suspendisse accumsan, lorem pulvinar interdum luctus, dolor metus ornare nisl, id facilisis quam augue a ex.

Service Two Icon One

Technology and Innovation

Duis efficitur porttitor aliquam. Vivamus tristique, velit et efficitur aliquam, augue elit pellentesque lorem, dapibus vestibulum urna nisi ut odio.

Service Two Icon Two

Technology and Innovation

Duis efficitur porttitor aliquam. Vivamus tristique, velit et efficitur aliquam, augue elit pellentesque lorem, dapibus vestibulum urna nisi ut odio.

Service Two Icon One

Technology and Innovation

Duis efficitur porttitor aliquam. Vivamus tristique, velit et efficitur aliquam, augue elit pellentesque lorem, dapibus vestibulum urna nisi ut odio.

Float Valves

Model F

Plunger valves are design for positive and instant shutoff of drilling fluids. The plunger stops back flow when making connections and keeps cuttings out of the drill string. The Model F is a durable and economic solution.

Model FA

Plunger valves are designed for positive and instant shutoff of drilling fluids. The portet plunger stops back flow when making connections and keeps cuttings out of the drill string. The Model FA provides for automatic partial filling of the drillpipe during running in.

Float Valves

Model G

Flapper style valves are designed to be quick opening and provide for maximum flow through the tool. Flapper valves are an excellent choice for highly abrasive fluids. The flapper style valve operates with primary blowout prevention equipment for internal pressure control.

Model GA

Flapper style incorporates all of the features of the Model-G and has a V*” carbide orifice built into the flapper mechanism. The orifice provides for automatic partial filling of the drillpipe during running in. The valve can also be used to monitor differential pressure when necessary.